Thursday, March 15, 2012


Positioning is being put into a place where you will be the most useful for the intended outcome. We are all being positioned by our father (God) to accomplish his intended outcome. God never fails so your position is very important to him. My position is a watchman as described in Ezekiel 33:7-9 so I am here to give word to you by way of the father. I will only give word to you as directed by my father but as always it is up to you if you want to partake in the word and avoid iniquity. Sometimes this word may be hard to deliver to you because I love you but withholding our fathers word from you will not do either of us any good.

Think about when you were kids growing up and your father told you to tell your brother/sister to do something. If you did not tell them what your father said, you both got in trouble or sometimes it was just you who were punished. If you did tell them and they did not listen, you were spared and your sibling was not. On the other hand, if you told them and they did according to the word you spoke to them from your father, it was good for both of you and sometimes resulted in a reward. This is how I am to operate on this earth and sometimes I may give you a word in writing, by pointing you in the right direction, or by speaking to you and I may not even know you. We are all brothers and sisters on the earth, heir of our father, Yahweh. I would listen to the words that I speak to you because I come to you with words from the father and he knows all.

Our father loves us all and wants all of us there with him in heaven when it is our time. He says that he wants to dwell with us in heaven regardless of our iniquities and shortcomings. Seek him and you will find him. Love him as he already loves you more than you will ever know. And for those of us he has given orders to to carry out, do what you are told or suffer the consequences. I was disobedient the other day as I did something that he told me not to do and boy did I pay for it as he had warned me I would. So, as I am warning you today, do not be disobedient as it will only cause you pain and suffering and can even lead to death. Yes, I said to death but if I didn't tell you this that would be disobedient as he just told me to tell you that.

Find out what your position what you are called to do...and live out the rest of your life in holy matrimony, bride of the most high.

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