Monday, March 26, 2012

Being Blessed is MUCH Better than Being Rich

A faithful man shall abound with blessings; but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent. (Proverbs 28:20) We will start with this verse because it begins by stating that a faithful man shall abound with blessings and many aren't sure of what this really means. A faithful man is a man that follows in his father's (Yahweh) footsteps and resolves to be like him. A faithful man counts not on the riches of the world but on the riches of his father. A faithful man believes that what his father says will be done, will be done. Plainly said, a faithful man lives by faith! Being blessed is not what many make think it is. We are blessed everyday because we wake up, we walk around, we see, we hear, we breathe freely, and are free to worship our father. We are blessed because we are not living on the streets, we can take care of our family and have a family here on earth. We are blessed because Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and we don't have to suffer the consequences of our entirely wrong actions at times. Aren't you abound with blessings??? Yes, we are provided with money, cars, homes, clothes, and many other material things but wouldn't you provide that to your children if they needed it and you could provide it to them (Philippians 4:19). Our God is more than enough for us. He can provide you with whatever you need whenever you need it but you have been blessed and continue to be blessed everyday, don't discount your blessings.

So, why would you want Babylonian riches when you can have the riches our father provides. Why do you want to depend on the wealth you can see through your works instead of the guaranteed wealth that will be there regardless of your works? Why would you want to risk the sin associated with the love of idolatry (money) when you can live a life of holy prosperity with faith and riches beyond anything that you could ever imagine or see. When you are blessed, this is the life you know, this is the life you live, and it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with our father. All that he asks is that you trust him above all else and you will be blessed. God also says in his word, Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8) Don't you want to see God? What's more important that seeing and dwelling with him? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!

We would like to leave you with one last reason why it is better to be blessed that to be rich. When you are rich who do you care about? Yourself. If you don't agree, give all of your riches to the poor and trust the father to take care of you. If you believe that his riches are greater than your riches, this should not be a problem for you. If you do not, you will hold on to your life as you know it and forgo all of the blessings that are available to you. We all know that it states in the bible that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Isn't this enough for you to change your ways? If not, in Psalm 41:1 our father says; Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. Isn't this what we have just stated above? Your father loves you and will never forsake you. He is always with you even when you don't realize that he is there. So, as much as you know your heart will take that next beat know that your father is with you always.

I choose blessing, abundant blessing over riches and anything Babylon could ever offer me. My father is too important to me and I am too important to him for me to mess that up. So, until next time, choose to be blessed and know that God loves you more than you will ever know.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Who's Land is This?

When I moved to Mobile, AL, I really didn't know why my father wanted me here. He told me shortly after I arrived that he wanted me here because I am an heir of this holy land and we will reclaim the land our father has promised us. When we read the stories in the bible and people are traveling from this land to that land, do we really know where that land is? Some say that the land was in the middle east (or what we now know as the middle east). But, this land, all of the land on earth is ours as heirs of our father, the most high God. He created this land for us to live on and in because he loves us and wanted us to have it and have dominion over it. He told me on January 31 that he gave me Mobile, AL. With this said, know that my father has only shown me the pieces that he wants me to see right now. If I give you too much right now, you will not carry out all that I have for you to do, says the father. So, I still don't know everything that I am to do but in time I will and this land will be mine and that of my brothers and sisters as rightful heirs.

So, again, I ask, who's land is this? It is our land and we have to claim it! (See Deut. 4:36 - 40) When someone tries to make you compensate them for something that is already yours and has been taken from you, you laugh in their face, right? Well, this land was stolen from us and we know that it is ours because we are heirs of Yahweh. So, we have to laugh in their face and say that we are the rightful owners and are taking back what is rightfully ours. Just for clarification, this does not mean that you are to go out and act worldly complaining and "raising hell". This will only add to the confusion that exists in this world today. We are to "shake things up" and start making Babylon think about what she has done to the rightful heirs and prepare for what's coming. He says, I am putting people in place right now to make this happen. You may not know who they are but rest assured they are working for me. Things are changing...we will no longer sit down and accept things as they were. This is a new age...the time has prepared for revelations and mysteries unfolding. I am in charge and always have been. LOOK OUT!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Positioning is being put into a place where you will be the most useful for the intended outcome. We are all being positioned by our father (God) to accomplish his intended outcome. God never fails so your position is very important to him. My position is a watchman as described in Ezekiel 33:7-9 so I am here to give word to you by way of the father. I will only give word to you as directed by my father but as always it is up to you if you want to partake in the word and avoid iniquity. Sometimes this word may be hard to deliver to you because I love you but withholding our fathers word from you will not do either of us any good.

Think about when you were kids growing up and your father told you to tell your brother/sister to do something. If you did not tell them what your father said, you both got in trouble or sometimes it was just you who were punished. If you did tell them and they did not listen, you were spared and your sibling was not. On the other hand, if you told them and they did according to the word you spoke to them from your father, it was good for both of you and sometimes resulted in a reward. This is how I am to operate on this earth and sometimes I may give you a word in writing, by pointing you in the right direction, or by speaking to you and I may not even know you. We are all brothers and sisters on the earth, heir of our father, Yahweh. I would listen to the words that I speak to you because I come to you with words from the father and he knows all.

Our father loves us all and wants all of us there with him in heaven when it is our time. He says that he wants to dwell with us in heaven regardless of our iniquities and shortcomings. Seek him and you will find him. Love him as he already loves you more than you will ever know. And for those of us he has given orders to to carry out, do what you are told or suffer the consequences. I was disobedient the other day as I did something that he told me not to do and boy did I pay for it as he had warned me I would. So, as I am warning you today, do not be disobedient as it will only cause you pain and suffering and can even lead to death. Yes, I said to death but if I didn't tell you this that would be disobedient as he just told me to tell you that.

Find out what your position what you are called to do...and live out the rest of your life in holy matrimony, bride of the most high.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Come Out Now

Many of you have lived and breathed the world system for years…you have dedicated your life to serving the world and all of her “beauty”. I am not talking about the beauty of the earth that was created by our father; I am talking about all of the idols you have worshipped in this world. They include money, gold, silver, copper, all of the “precious” metals and worldly success, also known as wealth. If earthly wealth is such a magnificent thing, why is it that a lot of the so called wealthy individuals in the world are so miserable? Why is it that they seem to be some of the most unhappy people in the world? It is because this earthly wealth means nothing to our father. This is pseudo wealth. True wealth comes through the riches of our father and by no other means. He is able to do more and give you more than any worldly system ever could.

With all of this explained it is time to come out of this worldly system. Don’t trust what it promises and all of the riches of the world. COME OUT NOW!!! This world isn’t for you and it will fall soon. The events of 2008 were merely a warning, foreshadow of things to come. COME OUT NOW or suffer the consequences of the sins of this world. In Revelation 18:4, it says come out of her and our father has sent me again to warn you to come out of her. She will consume you, she will make you do things for the love of her, she will become what you worship and idolize. COME OUT NOW!!! If you don’t know exactly what to do, our father says come to him and he will guide you. Just make sure you come out of her before it is too late. Read Revelation Chapter 18 and seek understanding from our father. You don’t want to be one of the servants that did not listen and suffer for the sins of the world.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Unfortunately this world is overwhelmed with Fear. Fear of this, Fear of that! Just Fear, Fear, Fear! In a world that fears the unknown, you are destined to be predisposed to failure. Failure, not because you are not capable of doing what needs to be done the right way, failure because you fear the unknown. When you fear the unknown you have already failed because that fear has caused you to react in ways that you wouldn’t have had you not been in fear. Why fear says the father? Why be afraid of something that you haven’t seen before? It could be the most beautiful thing in the world and because you have feared it you have just changed your view of what you are about to see. It is like seeing this new thing through clouded glasses and not being able to experience the true beauty of it because your heart has feared it.

People have feared the unknown since the beginning of time and it continues today. Instead of living peacefully together, people have feared what may happen if they opened their heart to their neighbor. They have feared trusting their neighbor and this has made the world a sinful place. There is no fear like the fear of the lord and that is the only fear that one should have. Despite what the world has done and is, you have to continue to love your neighbor and trust God, our father, no matter what. So, get rid of your fear, trust our father, and live a Holy life, you won’t regret it.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Building Up

Building Up is becoming better. When we are being built up or building ourselves up we are changing/growing, becoming better. There will be trials and tribulations and sometimes you will have to turn the other cheek, or look the other way. There will be times when you are not able to do what you used to do because you are being built up. Building up is a good thing, it changes you, it requires you to become someone new. So, don't give up. It is definitely worth it.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Did you know???

I bet many of you did not know that Muhammad (of Islam) was sent here to be a prophet for our father in a land that had not experienced the light of Jesus Christ. He had a few things right in what he said. There is only one God and we should live our lives according to Godly principles but when he threw in some of his own beliefs, things that were not of the father, he did wrong. He created another Religion (the Islamic religion) that in itself is wrong because it is not based totally on our fathers word.

A lot of Muslims say that we all serve the same God but if that is true, why not call him God, Father? Why don't we all just believe his word as he has it written? Yes, it has been translated and if you want the original teachings of our father, read each book, chapter, verse in the language that it was written. I will tell you this, the bible was meant to be read by each person and understood by each person in the way our father intended it. Our father has a meaning in each word in the bible for each person. This does not mean, take what is in the bible and based on your understanding of it, start a new religion. It also does not mean that you can go out and commit a crime and say that is what you got from the bible. This has been done already and is SO WRONG! Our father gave us commandments and if you "Love thy neighbor as thyself", there is no way you can do some things that some have done and say it is based on your understanding of God's word. THIS IS A SIN AND YOU WILL HAVE TO REPENT AND ANSWER GOD (OUR FATHER) FOR YOUR SINS!!! So, I say again, no one can tell you what the a bible scripture/verse means to you, unless directed by the father. If you want clarity, go to our father and he will lead you in the direction he wants you to go.

So, let's go back to the beginning, Muhammad was meant to be a prophet on this earth for our father but his actions lead him astray and against God's word. On top of that he has lead many away from the father by his teachings and am thus in the same boat as Satan. If you are not for our father, you are against him. How many of you are not for our father? How many of you are out there doing your own thing but say I am not hurting anybody but people are following and believing what you do? I say the same thing to you, if you are not for our father, you are against him. Take a look at your life. Are your actions God-like? Is everything you do for the glory of our father? If not, you are going down the wrong path and need to make a change and fast. So, get back on track, he forgives, he understands that you have made mistakes but loves you enough to say that you are his child and he wants you back in his will. God says "I will never forsake you", "I will always Love You", "come to me now and repent of your sins", "I will forgive you" and finally "I am your FATHER".

We Love You because you are family now and forever.

Friday, March 2, 2012

How Powerful is Our Father?

This question really doesn't need to be asked but for some people, they have a hard time trusting and believing that our father (God) can do all things. Trust not in the riches of this world and the objects that you possess. For they will all come to an abrupt end and will be worthless. Trust ME says the Father...believe in ME...rely on ME and everything will be as it ought to be. DO NOT, I say again, do not put your trust in MAN...especially the Babylonian kings and queens for they will all end up worshiping ME (see Revelation Ch. 18). But then it will be too late!!! For I have come, I have sent apostles, prophets, your brothers and sisters, but did you listen to what they prophesied to you??? If you had listened the question above would not be a question at all just a joke to all who heard it. If you don't understand, take some time and think about it...what kind of question is How powerful is our father? and after you see how ridiculous that is, then laugh because it is something that should be laughed at.

Again, Ramsey only comes to you with what I tell him to write...if you know ME, ask ME about what he writes and I will tell you what it all means. He is a messenger but the message must be received!