Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Oh, How I didn't know God

People are constantly saying that they know God.  But do you really know God?  I thought I knew God and I thought I knew God pretty well.  Oh, how I was so wrong!!!  What did I know about God?  I knew God was the alpha and the omega, I knew God loved me (how much, well, just like I loved other people), I knew God was the king of kings (didn't really know what this meant), he was the almighty, he was everything!  But, what does all of this mean?  To really know God as most of us claim to, you have to have the mind of I am (not a man), that owns the world, the universe, and has created it for his enjoyment.  It's like loving your creation so much that when things aren't going the way you expected you have to fix them.  Give up on them, no, that is not an option.  Things have to be fixed so they can be glorious/magnificent to you like you planned them to be.

So, to know God is to say that I love the world so much that I must see it gloriously, so gloriously that I will do whatever it takes to make it perfect for my maker, my father.  If you know God, you know that whatever God has planned for you, he will fight tooth and nail to make sure you accomplish this task.  We all have a task/a plan and to know how to accomplish what God has planned for us we have to know him well enough to know when he is commanding us to do something.  We have to know God well enough to know that it is not always easy but he doesn't want it to be hard for us so he will do whatever he can to make it easier for us.

I thought I knew God, but I did not realize that he loved me so much that he would not let me experience some things that would be detrimental to his plan for me on this earth.  I thought I knew God, but I did not realize that no matter what I went through he was always there with me.  See, I had what I thought God had prepared for me, and although it wasn't his plan for me, he allowed me to go through what I needed to, to learn about myself and to seek him more.  I needed to learn what to do and what not to do and am still learning that today.

One of my favorite, if not the most favorite verse of mine, Matthew 6:33 states "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his Righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."  So, because I now know more about God, my Father, I am enthusiastic about seeking his Kingdom, I am enthusiastic about getting to know him more and more each day.  When I wake up, my mind, my body, my soul should be on what God has planned for our day (he and I).  When I go to sleep, my mind, my body, my soul shoud be on what God has done for us that day (he and I).  And, throughout the day, my mind, my body, and my soul should be focused on what we (he and I) need to do next to please him.  It is not until you live your life like this everyday that you really know God.

So, I didn't know God.  I knew of God, I knew about God, I even had revelation of God in my life.  I let other things get in the way and still do today. But I am and will continue diligently seeking the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness until I meet my father face to face.  I don't do this for the Glory of me, I do this so I can not only know God, but walk like him, talk like him, and be him on this earth!!!

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