Monday, February 27, 2012


Prayer is communication. When we pray, we ask God(our father) to listen to us and respond to our requests (if there are any). What needs to happen is that when we pray, we need to be just communicating with our father and are listening to what he has to say. Too many times we come to our father when there are turbulent times in need of his intercession. If we remain continually in prayer, when turbulent times arise, we can tell Satan to be gone and that is just the end of it. We can know what our father says about any situation because he is always with us and always speaking to us. So, let's not just pray when we need something, let's pray and stay in constant communication with our father so he knows we love him as much as he loves us. Isn't this what you would do with your earthly father? Why would your heavenly father be any different?

My heavenly father speaks to me all of the time and I Love it! He explains things to me before I can even get the question out of my mouth because he knows my thoughts. He provides me with information of things to come so I am prepared for what is about to happen. He also coaches me on which ways to take, so I continually walk in his light. He Loves me that much so the least I can do is stay in constant communication with him through prayer.

There is no language that he does not understand so let's pray and communicate with our father everyday. Let's also LISTEN to what he has to say. It is DEFINITELY worth it.

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