I bet many of you did not know that Muhammad (of Islam) was sent here to be a prophet for our father in a land that had not experienced the light of Jesus Christ. He had a few things right in what he said. There is only one God and we should live our lives according to Godly principles but when he threw in some of his own beliefs, things that were not of the father, he did wrong. He created another Religion (the Islamic religion) that in itself is wrong because it is not based totally on our fathers word.
A lot of Muslims say that we all serve the same God but if that is true, why not call him God, Father? Why don't we all just believe his word as he has it written? Yes, it has been translated and if you want the original teachings of our father, read each book, chapter, verse in the language that it was written. I will tell you this, the bible was meant to be read by each person and understood by each person in the way our father intended it. Our father has a meaning in each word in the bible for each person. This does not mean, take what is in the bible and based on your understanding of it, start a new religion. It also does not mean that you can go out and commit a crime and say that is what you got from the bible. This has been done already and is SO WRONG! Our father gave us commandments and if you "Love thy neighbor as thyself", there is no way you can do some things that some have done and say it is based on your understanding of God's word. THIS IS A SIN AND YOU WILL HAVE TO REPENT AND ANSWER GOD (OUR FATHER) FOR YOUR SINS!!! So, I say again, no one can tell you what the a bible scripture/verse means to you, unless directed by the father. If you want clarity, go to our father and he will lead you in the direction he wants you to go.
So, let's go back to the beginning, Muhammad was meant to be a prophet on this earth for our father but his actions lead him astray and against God's word. On top of that he has lead many away from the father by his teachings and am thus in the same boat as Satan. If you are not for our father, you are against him. How many of you are not for our father? How many of you are out there doing your own thing but say I am not hurting anybody but people are following and believing what you do? I say the same thing to you, if you are not for our father, you are against him. Take a look at your life. Are your actions God-like? Is everything you do for the glory of our father? If not, you are going down the wrong path and need to make a change and fast. So, get back on track, he forgives, he understands that you have made mistakes but loves you enough to say that you are his child and he wants you back in his will. God says "I will never forsake you", "I will always Love You", "come to me now and repent of your sins", "I will forgive you" and finally "I am your FATHER".
We Love You because you are family now and forever.
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