Saturday, December 22, 2012

Do you see what I see???

Yes, I know, Holiday Season, and the title of the post is "Do you see what I see?".  But, to realize what this means is to see what Yahweh sees and to hear what Yahweh hears.  So, do you see what I see?  Do you hear what I hear?  This is the question that Yahweh asks you as you walk around day to day and interact with all of those around you.

Let me tell you what I see.  I see a smile (or potential smile) on the face of everyone I see, even if it is not visible to the person standing next to me.  It is their glow, it is there spirit that wants to be released and express themselves to all the world.  When there is pain, I mean pain so deep it saddens me, I see a trapped spirit yearning to break out and change the heart of the temple that it lies within.  I see this because I know what my spirit shows me, or allows to me see, and my spirit shows me what's beyond my feeble eyes.  I see what my spirit sees, and as obvious as this seems to be, most people don't see what their spirit sees because they cannot handle it.  For those of us with which our Father trusts us to see what our spirit sees, it is a blessing that comes with responsibility.  Not necessarily the responsibility to take action, but at the very minimum, the responsibility to understand.

I hear, yes, I hear things that speak to my spirit and says help, talk to me, love me, pray for me.  I NEED YOU!!!  No, this is not what is being spoken verbally, but it is spoken nonetheless.  My ears hear what is being said verbally and my heart/my spirit hears what is being meant by what is spoken verbally.  Yes, it might sound strange to those that don't hear like I do and Yes, what is being said verbally is sometimes what is meant.  But, there are many times that I hear from total strangers a yearning, crying, shouting out for help, or to be prayed for, or just to hear a hello from me (and when this happens there is no verbal communication) and there is a responsibility to understand and act.  I heed this responsibility and need to make sure that I act upon what is needed.  It is hard sometimes but rewarding when I am able to turn someones life around just by hearing from their spirit and making the decision to act according to their unspoken need.  I cherish this gift and thank God that he has given it to me.

So, as I conclude tonight, ask yourself, "Do you see what I see?", "Do you hear what I hear?", and would you want to.  It is not always pretty but it is always worth it.  As the song goes, He will bring us goodness and light and this is exactly what Yahweh has brought to me and I love him and thank him for this with all my heart.  Have a very Merry Christmas everyone and know that God Loves you and Jesus is and always will be the real and only reason for the season!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Oh, How I didn't know God

People are constantly saying that they know God.  But do you really know God?  I thought I knew God and I thought I knew God pretty well.  Oh, how I was so wrong!!!  What did I know about God?  I knew God was the alpha and the omega, I knew God loved me (how much, well, just like I loved other people), I knew God was the king of kings (didn't really know what this meant), he was the almighty, he was everything!  But, what does all of this mean?  To really know God as most of us claim to, you have to have the mind of I am (not a man), that owns the world, the universe, and has created it for his enjoyment.  It's like loving your creation so much that when things aren't going the way you expected you have to fix them.  Give up on them, no, that is not an option.  Things have to be fixed so they can be glorious/magnificent to you like you planned them to be.

So, to know God is to say that I love the world so much that I must see it gloriously, so gloriously that I will do whatever it takes to make it perfect for my maker, my father.  If you know God, you know that whatever God has planned for you, he will fight tooth and nail to make sure you accomplish this task.  We all have a task/a plan and to know how to accomplish what God has planned for us we have to know him well enough to know when he is commanding us to do something.  We have to know God well enough to know that it is not always easy but he doesn't want it to be hard for us so he will do whatever he can to make it easier for us.

I thought I knew God, but I did not realize that he loved me so much that he would not let me experience some things that would be detrimental to his plan for me on this earth.  I thought I knew God, but I did not realize that no matter what I went through he was always there with me.  See, I had what I thought God had prepared for me, and although it wasn't his plan for me, he allowed me to go through what I needed to, to learn about myself and to seek him more.  I needed to learn what to do and what not to do and am still learning that today.

One of my favorite, if not the most favorite verse of mine, Matthew 6:33 states "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his Righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."  So, because I now know more about God, my Father, I am enthusiastic about seeking his Kingdom, I am enthusiastic about getting to know him more and more each day.  When I wake up, my mind, my body, my soul should be on what God has planned for our day (he and I).  When I go to sleep, my mind, my body, my soul shoud be on what God has done for us that day (he and I).  And, throughout the day, my mind, my body, and my soul should be focused on what we (he and I) need to do next to please him.  It is not until you live your life like this everyday that you really know God.

So, I didn't know God.  I knew of God, I knew about God, I even had revelation of God in my life.  I let other things get in the way and still do today. But I am and will continue diligently seeking the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness until I meet my father face to face.  I don't do this for the Glory of me, I do this so I can not only know God, but walk like him, talk like him, and be him on this earth!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

So Let Your Light Shine

It’s not because of what it is but who I am in you. If you live in me and I in you, thou has no choice but to let his light shine because it is not them that shines, it is me. I am the truth and the light. I giveth thou comfort at night and in the mist of the storm. It is for me that you live. So let your light shine like never before...not because you want to but because I have commanded it of you. It is my time to shine because when I shine everyone sees me. In the day and in the night I bring light. Your light will shine because I live in you. So don't fight it because it will not work, let your light shine all the way up to the heavens and you will see my glory.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Time for Revelation

Interestingly enough there are numerous churches around and yet there are numerous churches that can’t abound. It's like asking the question: why do we fight? Why can’t clergyman get along? They are the ones that are supposed to be leading the people into the Kingdom of God yet they bicker and fight like kids. If someone leaves one church to go to another there's an uproar when they should be happy that they are leaving to go seek the place where they can find the Kingdom of God a little bit easier. Every man, every soul has a need and as a pastor or leader of a church you should not be upset with those that leave. Let them seek the Kingdom of God as they wish and be overjoyed when they find it. So be happy for these people and hope that they are on a mission to achieve greatness as you are. Greatness only comes by the glory of God but to get there we all have to work together.

So, all of you fellow clergyman please work together. For God wants to see his church united. The time for distance and separation is long gone. We, as heirs of the throne need to come together now and make a difference in this earth. Religion is dead but Christ is and always will be alive. So drop the acts, lose the traditions and make new ones. Just be certain they are lead by the Glory of God. If they are, you and your church congregation will see the power of God at work but if you can't get past your own ego, you and your congregation will suffer and you will be judged accordingly. Be diligent in your teachings...look to see what God has to say today and you have no choice but to be ok.  If you disagree, we will see who God tells to take the lead.  Beware, you have been warned and now is your time…your time to be a light on this earth…your time to shine and show the world why God put you’re here.  Do your work!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What Do You Call Him?

What do you call him?  Who, you ask?  God, or Yahweh, or Savior, or Father, or Jesus Christ, or King of Kings, or Counselor, or Rock, or Holy Spirit, or Elohim,…and so on?  What you call him doesn’t matter as much as what you say to him and what you do when he speaks to you.  Yes, God has many names and people have assigned many meanings to the different names but regardless of what name you give him, know that he is God and he has supreme authority over your life.  And because he has authority, this means that when he calls you, son, daughter, your first name, your last name, Mr., Ms., Mrs., sir….and so on, you need to respond as if your name will never be the same if anyone else calls you by it again.  This is the power of God.  He has the power to make you and break you.  If you are confused by what I am saying, know that if you are seen as one of the most powerful men/women on this earth it is because God has made you that way but as easily as he has made you that way, he can take it all away if you forget who he is and what he has done.

                So, what you call him is not that important as long as it is not detestable to him, but you better know that whatever he calls you means more than what anybody else will ever say to you.  Call him God, Yahweh, Savior, I AM, Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Holy Spirit, Elohim, anything that allows you to commune with him.  Have a relationship with him so he can call you son/daughter and lead you where he wants you to go.  Having a relationship with God should be your number one priority in life.  Matthew 6:33 states, “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”  Don’t you know that this means that if you have a relationship with God that you sought after, everything else will come to you?  He just wants to know you and talk to you but most importantly he wants you to know him so you can be just like your father (who will be who you most admire).  Know God, Trust God, Love God, and eventually what you will call him naturally is Father!

Prayer Train (Courtesy of God via Lora Willis)

My mom called me yesterday morning with a dream that she had about a prayer train.  This dream included our family (Little Israel – God’s Obedient Children) from Great grandparents all the way down to the smallest children.  It included those that had passed away and were now resting with the lord and the smallest of children (although my mom didn’t know this, it probably included the children yet to be born but are still part of God’s family).  They were in a line from those that were with the lord all the way down to those that had a lot of time left before it was time to return home (in order from when they would be returning home to be with God).  She stated in her dream that she remembered vaguely that they were praying for two people but she could not remember who it was.  The reason she couldn’t remember is because we all need to be praying for at least two people and with the train going around the world, everyone should be prayed for more than once.

                We need to think about this as God wants us to love our neighbor as ourselves and if we love our neighbor as ourselves, we would be praying that they only have the best of what life has to offer them…but, it is not given by the world but by God.  As we do this and pray for at least two people we begin to show God that we realize and understand it is by him that we are able to be…and because it is by him that we are able to be, we should not be selfish in our wanting but very generous in our giving.  By praying for others we are giving freely our time to ask God to provide for, take care of, and treat someone else like they are his favorite child.  And as they get what their hear desires we can be extremely happy for them knowing that it is by our giving and God’s work that they are able to accomplish this.  Never rage on someone’s success or happiness.  Rejoice in what they have done and with them knowing that if it is good, it was God.

                Continuing with my mom’s dream, the prayer train is to start this Saturday 9/15/12 at 5pm (local time).  This will not stop but continue on around the world, for instance 5pm for me is different than 5pm for my mom and so on for individuals around the world.  Let this be a beginning and as we continue to pray all over the world, we will see God work in ways that we have never seen before.  As some may not read this message until after 5pm (local time) on 9/15/12, remember, it is never too late to pray for two other people.  It can be the year 2020 but if you are praying for God to work in someone else’s life, you are giving your time to help someone have a better life.  Isn’t it wonderful knowing that someone is praying for you?  Someone prayed for me and thus, I am able to share this wonderful news with you today!

Tried and True

For years, people have gone through things and have not known how they were going to make it. Well, God knows and knew then what was going on and how we all would make it. He has been tried and is always true to his word. If he says that he will take care of you, it’s best for you to believe it and look to see what he will tell you to do next. But, be sure not to put the carriage before the horse because moving that carriage becomes much harder than it needed to be had you only left the work up to the horse as you should have. Yes, the horse can push the carriage but this comes with a lot of resistance. Isn’t it just better for the carriage to be pulled and the carriage will just go where the horse goes? We all should know that God works like this…if you get ahead of him, he can push you where you need to be but because you can see things you are hesitant and resistant. If you allow him to lead, you just trust that he knows what he is doing and although you are blind you know everything will work out. His vision is much greater than ours and will always be that way. He may let you peek around the corner to see part of what is coming up next but you still don’t have the complete picture so you are not fully aware of what’s in store. Just know that God has been tried and has proven to be true to his word in all circumstances and if you trust and believe in him you will go farther than you ever imagined possible.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Restless Sleep

It was a dream a dream like no other dream that I ever had before. It was so real, so real that I could barely sleep. It was one girl in particular who appeared to be sleeping or even dead (her head lying on the desk with her arm out in front of her). I don't ever remember seeing this girl in my life but the next day there she was, I saw her in my class. I don't know why she was so important and I never found out as I never said anything to her (I was just enthralled). That was probably my first mistake. In this dream I also heard screaming and could feel the pain of so many people but I could not see their faces. This was one of the longest nights of my life because it was all too real. I know the pain and the screaming had something to do with the problems that we face on this earth but I could not nail down one specific thing. It was like people were all around me and I was in the center of them all. It was like I needed to do something about it. The problem is I didn't know what to do but God has told me to trust him so now I know what to do. I wasn't ready to see what was happening at that time because at that time I couldn't handle it. So I've told God to open up my eyes although if you ask me I still don't know if I'm ready too see what he has to show me but I will trust him. God has warned me that the spiritual world is much different than what we see. Some things are so glorious that it will blow your mind and some things so hideous that you can never forget them.

My reason for telling you all of this is for you to realize that God is always in control and he is warning us of things to come if we don't seek him. This dream occurred on January 31, 2012 but God has brought into remembrance that dream and has now given me permission to reveal it to the world. I imagine/feel that the pain I felt and the screams I heard has something to do with what will happen on earth in the near future. I just hope I'm wrong. This dream was so real that every time I closed my eyes I could feel the pain and hear the screams again and again and again. I wanted to escape it but I couldn't. The problem with all of this is that I was told it would happen if I didn't do something. I thought I did what I was told but I was wrong. Isn't it amazing how God works? As soon as I did what I was told, the dream, the restless sleep was gone. God will tell you what to do and even tell you the consequences of failing to act. All you have to do is listen, believe, and obey. I'm about to see what's been eluding me because I haven't been ready. Are you ready to see the real world?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

What Does God want from you?

This is a continuation, sort of, of Put God First and Don't Forget About Me but it is different because it asks you the question of What does God want from you? We know we are here for a reason and we know we have earthly responsibilities but what we really need to know is that we have a heavenly responsibility to our heavenly father, God. So, what does God want from you? Does he want you to be where you are now??? Is that job/career/position that you are in something that God wants for you or is it something that you want for you? Is it serving a Godly purpose or is it serving only your purpose and therefore neglecting the duties that God has for you?

When you know what God wants you to do and what he wants from you, your life changes. You begin to have joy in what you do. You begin to see your life making a difference in the lives of others. You begin to fully enjoy all of the blessings that he has for you. It may be hard at first and weird because it is a change and most of the time a major change, but it is definitely worth it. So, if you don't know what God wants you to do; go to him, as a friend, as a father and request his attention. Ask him and he will respond but you have to be ready and willing to listen and obey. Key words -- LISTEN and OBEY!!! When you listen and obey your problems fade away. When you listen and obey, you live to see another day. When you listen and obey, everything is just okay. So, listen, obey, put God first and don't forget that he is with you always in everything you do and your life will change for the better. Change can be hard. It can be frustrating at times. Just remember, he loves you more than you can ever know so it is worth it!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

God is Good Always

God is good all of the time even when we think he's being hard on us. God is a father like any other father. He only wants what's best for us. So don't get upset when things don't seem to go your way, it was planned that way. You may not know why it was planned that way but if you would just obey you will live to see another day. He loves you now and always and because he loves you he will do things that seem out of the ordinary for you. When things get weird and you just don't know why this happened or why that happened, that's God. It may be a lesson for you to learn from and/or you may have done something that you weren't supposed to and now you suffer the consequences for it. God doesn't want us to learn that way but we are hardheaded and don't always do things the way we should. God will not spare the rod and spoil the child for he loves us too much to do that. God wants us to live the good life, full of mercy, compassion, and most of all love. God knows we will make mistakes but if we learn from them, that's all he wants us to do. He loves us enough to forgive us when we are wrong and he loves it even more when we admit it and repent. So remember, God is our father; and as a father he will correct you because he loves you that much. God is good always and forever!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Put God First!!!

Make sure you put God first in everything you do! This does not mean only putting God first when you go to church or when you need something. Put God first all the time in everything you do. Don't you know that this will help you everyday? Don't you know that if you put God first everything else will fail in comparison? See, God loves you regardless of what you do but he would like very much to be first in your life. He would like to be the one you count on in times of need. He would like to be the one you look toward when things just don't seem right. He would like to be your Counselor, your Provider, your Father, your Redeemer, your Sword, your everything!!! Let God be everything for you...all you have to do is put him first. Put him first everyday and you will see that he is everything. There won't even be a question about who to go to for this and who to go to for that when God is first in your life. It will come naturally as it should be. So, make a resolution today...resolve to put God first in everything you do, in everything you say, in every way and you will see that he is all you need today, yesterday, and forever!!!

God Loves You

God Loves You!!! Do you know that he loves you yesterday, today, and forever? Do you know that he loves you when you are right and when you are wrong? Do you know he loves you just as you are and that won't ever change? God's love for his children is so strong that nothing in this world or beyond could ever change the way he feels about you. So, get up and get your act together and act like the son of God...act like you are worthy to be loved...act like you would if you knew someone very very very important to you loved you, because he does. This means getting off of drugs, this means quitting smoking, this means quitting drinking, this means no more depression, this means that you are special. You are special to God because he loves you and when you are special to God, nothing else matters!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Don't Forget About Me

Let's start with the statement: don't forget where you came from and who you are. On another note, you should ask yourself the better question: Do you know who you are? If you don't know who you are how can you know who I am and if you don't know who I am how do you include me in your life. I want you to remember me in everything you do, everywhere you go, with everything you've got. I know it is easy to forget about me when you have a lot on your plate. I know it is easy to forget about me when you don't include me in your daily life. But I am telling you today that I am always with you and if you want to feel my presence just remember that I am there. Yes I want to be acknowledged but more than that I want you to know that I love you and hope you love me too. So, let's continue to do life together or begin to do life together if I have been excluded from your life. I want to be included in all that you do, from waking up in the morning to enjoying our children together. Let me be a father to you. Let me take care of you. Don't forget about me because I cannot and will not ever forget about you!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Trust God

Many people struggle with a very simple concept, that is trusting God. It is not because they don't believe that he exists or even that he is not capable. They struggle because they don't know any better. See we have all been stuck in this Babylonian system and getting out of it seems impossible at times. Questions arise like how do I survive or what am I going to do, when the simple answer is trust in God. Trust in me because I am the one that can take care of all of your needs. Trust in me when you have no one else to turn to. Trust in me because I am God. Trust in me because when it's all over you will see that I am who I say I am and I was where I said I would be. So when it comes down to what you need, believe in me, have faith in me, trust in me. I am all that you need; I am God.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Humility or Highness

What will you do? We've all had events where we have had company. The question is who was your company and why? For me and my family, most of the time it has been our family who has come to the events. My family has been somewhat different, although we still have a lot of room for improvement. We have welcomed anyone that has accompanied another family member. Not because we expected anything in return but because we loved and wanted to honor our guest as family. So, who will you invite to your event? In Luke 14:12-14, our father guides us by saying don't invite those that you expect something in return from. Invite those that have nowhere else to go or nobody else to turn to. Too often, we do things with the expectation of something in return. I will be the one that gives what I have to those that don't have as much just to make sure they are taken care of. We should do things for the joy of our father, out of the goodness of our hearts, never expecting anything in return. When you are able to achieve this, you will be exalted; not by the world, but by our father who loves you because you are his son/daughter and are acting like it. So humble yourself, your highness...we are all heirs of a king but our glory comes not from man but from our father, Most High.

Why do We Fight???

Why do we fight? Why do we have wars? Why do we want what other people have? Why can't we just be happy with what we have? You should think about this. For centuries we have the name of religion, revenge, and it is all really just because we want what someone else has. You may not believe it but it is definitely true. Today we fight primarily because we want more. More of what you say? More money, more power, anything that will place me (you) in a better position in the world than we were before. Though people won't tell you that's why we fight, it is the truth.

In the past and to this day, we have participated in and fought wars because we so falsely believe money is power and everyone wants more power. We can say that we are defending our land or someone took something away from us and we have to fight to get it back but if everyone was happy with what they had there would be no need to get back what was taken from you or go take what doesn't belong to you. The world that we live in is GREEDY, very GREEDY, and our father did not intend for us to live like this. The truth is no one has power like God has power, so we fight in vain. We fight for worldly goods and the right to say I defeated you and now I own what is rightfully yours. Isn't this stealing? Now I can take your stuff, sell it, and make a profit for me and make me more powerful to the world. So, who wins when we fight? The entity that succeeds at stealing from the other person? The entity that has just killed or or devastated their brothers and sisters? The entity that now has more worldly power??? Who really wins?

If you have been reading, you can easily see that no one wins. We all lose! We destroy our beautiful land, we destroy our brothers and sisters, and we brake several of God's commandments in the process so how could anyone win? As hard as this is for a lot of people, we must learn to walk away...simply put, just walk away. Also, we must stop idolizing and glorifying people, as this is a sin and provokes more hatred and lusts for power. Most importantly, we must remember to share, give, and live Holy as Jesus did on this earth. Never having a sour heart toward his brothers and sisters but forgiving them and praying for deliverance he did because he loved them. Let's love our enemy and forgive and pray for those that forsake us. We all know fighting is bad but some say there is a need (or a time and a place when you need to fight). There is never a need to fight. God is already fighting our battles for us and he never loses. So, when we get in the way for any reason that we may believe is justified we have just defeated ourselves. So, don't fight, simply walk away and pray.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Gut Check

So, this post is for all of those out there reading these posts that may get angry by what is said. Ramsey is only writing what I tell him to write so if you have a problem with it, come to me. Come to the Great I Am and present your anger to me. I will not be alarmed as I already know how you feel. I just want you to be true to yourself and talk to me. I will always listen and will respond if you will hear what I have to say. Just to let you know Ramsey is really uncomfortable as he is writing this but is being obedient to what I am telling him to do. So, again I say, come to me...let me know how you feel and I will it positive or with chastisement because you need it.

So You Say You Are A Christian

So you say you are a Christian but do you really act like it. Would a Christian go to the bar on Saturday night and act like nothing happened on Sunday morning as he/she is praising our father and thanking him that they were able to make it to church on Sunday? Would a Christian sleep around with multiple men/women and act like it is OK and like they are not ruining a person that would be pure for their spouse? Would a Christian do drugs because it is something "cool" to do or because they haven't tried it before? Would a Christian kill, steal, and destroy with no regard for human life, their brothers and sisters and for just no good reason? Would a Christian continue to break the laws of the land, God's commandments, and just prove that they have a disregard for his beautiful creation? Would a Christian put himself first and be selfish when he knows others need things more than he does? How would a Christian really act in this world?

Jesus Christ has already showed us how to be a Christian. He was our example of righteousness and truth and showed us how to live our lives. Would Jesus go to the club on Saturday and worship his father on Sunday? No, he would not!!! He knows, just as we do, that that is not OK. This is not to say that you cannot have fun as a Christian, it just means that you need to be responsible in a corruptible world, have responsible fun and worship our father in your celebration. Did Jesus get drunk? Did Jesus go out and kill, steal, and destroy? Was Jesus selfish and did he always put himself first? The answer to all of these questions is NO so if Jesus Christ didn't do it and he is the Christian way of life, how can someone who claims to be a Christian do these things and proclaim to be like Jesus Christ?

Believe it or not, many people continually break the laws, and most importantly, God's commandments and proclaim that they are Christians. On top of that, they proclaim that they are spirit-filled Christians who are just enjoying the world and all of the secularity that lies within. A spirit-filled Christian is led by the spirit and if they are led by the spirit, they are Christ like. Yes, Christians may fall here and there and ask for forgiveness (and be forgiven by our father over and over again) for their sins but they will not continue in a life of evil and Babylonian contempt and proclaim to be spirit-filled Christians. Enjoying the world is not clubbing, getting drunk, killing, stealing and breaking the laws. Enjoying the world is enjoying what our father has given us, being nature and all of its beauty and loving each others company without anger, jealousy, and distrust.

Now, this post took me three days to write. Not because I didn't want to write it but because I wanted to make sure it was done perfectly. Now, I know it is perfect because it is what my father has told me to write and he is with me as I write this. So, I am finishing it as he wants me to finish it and including everything that he wants in here. So, remember being a Christian is more than just saying you are a Christian but acting in a Christ like way. Act the part, be the part, and show the world how true Christians behave. We are real Christians in every aspect of life.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Be Excited!!!

Be excited!!! Excited by what you say? Excited about our father, excited by your life, excited about spreading the word of God throughout the world. Most importantly be excited that our father loves you more than anybody or anything else in this world. When you are excited about the word of God, you become excited about today and tomorrow. Excited because you know what is to come. Yesterday may not have been so good but tomorrow will be a new day in the life of God. When we are spreading the word of God and his goodness, we need to have some excitement when doing it. I am not saying that we need to be jumping for joy unless we feel like doing so, but at the very minimum we can have a smile on our face when we are spreading the word about our father. I am very excited when I speak about my father and what he has done for me. So, when you are given some task (responsibility) by our father, don't complete it grudgingly or with a sour heart regardless of whether or not you want to do it. Have joy, excitement, and be thankful that he is trusting you and have called on you to be his vessel in the earth.

Now, I will be the first to tell you that everything that he requires of us is not always something we want to do. But, when you are living for him, nothing else in this world matters and if it isn't something that you would have done in the past, you will do it now. Don't worry about what the world thinks or what they have to say. They will tell you all sorts of things like, you are a fool, you can't do that, or what about this thing or that thing or this person or that person? If our father says do it, you just do it and that's all to it. He knows about this thing and that thing and this person and that person and even more than they think they know. The world is a deceptive place and if you fall into their trap, you have just been deceived. You may not see the reason for an action or event and even after it is done, you will think, why did he have me do that. It is not for you to understand, just know that being obedient is worth the reward you will receive. Those who are of the world want to keep you trapped with them because if they can keep you trapped, they excel. If they excel and keep excelling, we lose. I am not losing, I will not stay in the trap. I have been freed and I love it. Join me!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Sometimes in life we need to be refreshed. We need to be refreshed because we have gotten used to the way things have been and have become complacent. When you are living in the kingdom of our father, complacency is great but living there still comes with responsibility. Our father has several things that he wants done by us and the way to accomplish these tasks is by hearing the word of God and obeying. When we become complacent, even in the kingdom, we don't always listen and our ears become mute to the voice of our father (not purposely) but because we are just used to the ways things are. Let's not continue in this muted state, let's be refreshed and listen to what our father is telling us to do. Yesterday, my mom asked a very good question as she is visiting us here in Mobile, AL. She said, "Do you realize what you have here?" and I said I had forgotten how beautiful this place was; the place my father sent me to inherit; his holy land. It is a beautiful place and my spirit man needed a refreshing lift so I could continue in God's glory and enjoy what he has provided for me.

He has told me to write this story so we can see how easy it is for us to get out of the good graces our father has provided for us. When we start to worry about the unknown and become complacent and think about how things used to be, it is time for a refreshing. About 10 months ago, my father had me reading in the book of Genesis and at the very beginning it says, and we also talked about this in service yesterday, and God said for everything that he wanted to happen. In this day, God is still saying...he is saying this and he is saying that, so start listening! So, let's be refreshed, starting with our mind and continuing throughout our body. Refreshing is good and when it is from the glory of God and for the glory of God what else can you ask for!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Two Stuck Together Are One

My baby said yesterday, two stuck together are one. Now she was talking about two slices of pizza but our father is talking about us. He says when I put you together I binded you and you are now one. Not just binded to your spouse but whomever I put you with so this union is now one entity. So, if I task you with performing a duty and you (whomever I bound) don't complete your duty, you fail as one. So, take heed to what your task is for this day, for this time, and know that I am watching you and counting on you to complete this task. No longer is it OK or has it ever been OK for you to say I DID MY PART. You are responsible for each other and that is how I will look at you when I judge you for the performance of that task. Remember what I said as you are out and about and completing my tasks. As you walk upon this earth as ME, you will be responsible for your brothers and sisters as I bind you together. I don't want to hear, I DID MY PART, I want my children living under my kingdom and only you can make that happen.


Why are you in the position that you are in today? We are in our positions because this is where our fathers need for us to be. We are there to influence those around us. We are there to influence these individuals in the right ways, they cry out for the word of our father and it is up to us to provide them with the needed word of our father. It is by our influence that those around us are able to see the true kingdom of our father. It is by us that those around us are able to see the true light of the world. In Matthew 5:10-16, our father says Blessed are, blessed are, blessed are those that perform the true work of their father for they are the salt of the earth. So, let's be true lights upon the earth, let our salt not be wasted. INFLUENCE ALL AROUND YOU BY YOUR TRUTH WORTH, THE WORK OF YAHWEH!!! He has put inside of all of us his heart and this is why we are trusted, revered, looked upon for the glory of God. Look again at yourself and how you walk upon this earth and remember that you are an INFLUENCE to those around you; you are God on this earth because he is in you and you in him.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Being Blessed is MUCH Better than Being Rich

A faithful man shall abound with blessings; but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent. (Proverbs 28:20) We will start with this verse because it begins by stating that a faithful man shall abound with blessings and many aren't sure of what this really means. A faithful man is a man that follows in his father's (Yahweh) footsteps and resolves to be like him. A faithful man counts not on the riches of the world but on the riches of his father. A faithful man believes that what his father says will be done, will be done. Plainly said, a faithful man lives by faith! Being blessed is not what many make think it is. We are blessed everyday because we wake up, we walk around, we see, we hear, we breathe freely, and are free to worship our father. We are blessed because we are not living on the streets, we can take care of our family and have a family here on earth. We are blessed because Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and we don't have to suffer the consequences of our entirely wrong actions at times. Aren't you abound with blessings??? Yes, we are provided with money, cars, homes, clothes, and many other material things but wouldn't you provide that to your children if they needed it and you could provide it to them (Philippians 4:19). Our God is more than enough for us. He can provide you with whatever you need whenever you need it but you have been blessed and continue to be blessed everyday, don't discount your blessings.

So, why would you want Babylonian riches when you can have the riches our father provides. Why do you want to depend on the wealth you can see through your works instead of the guaranteed wealth that will be there regardless of your works? Why would you want to risk the sin associated with the love of idolatry (money) when you can live a life of holy prosperity with faith and riches beyond anything that you could ever imagine or see. When you are blessed, this is the life you know, this is the life you live, and it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with our father. All that he asks is that you trust him above all else and you will be blessed. God also says in his word, Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8) Don't you want to see God? What's more important that seeing and dwelling with him? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!

We would like to leave you with one last reason why it is better to be blessed that to be rich. When you are rich who do you care about? Yourself. If you don't agree, give all of your riches to the poor and trust the father to take care of you. If you believe that his riches are greater than your riches, this should not be a problem for you. If you do not, you will hold on to your life as you know it and forgo all of the blessings that are available to you. We all know that it states in the bible that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Isn't this enough for you to change your ways? If not, in Psalm 41:1 our father says; Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. Isn't this what we have just stated above? Your father loves you and will never forsake you. He is always with you even when you don't realize that he is there. So, as much as you know your heart will take that next beat know that your father is with you always.

I choose blessing, abundant blessing over riches and anything Babylon could ever offer me. My father is too important to me and I am too important to him for me to mess that up. So, until next time, choose to be blessed and know that God loves you more than you will ever know.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Who's Land is This?

When I moved to Mobile, AL, I really didn't know why my father wanted me here. He told me shortly after I arrived that he wanted me here because I am an heir of this holy land and we will reclaim the land our father has promised us. When we read the stories in the bible and people are traveling from this land to that land, do we really know where that land is? Some say that the land was in the middle east (or what we now know as the middle east). But, this land, all of the land on earth is ours as heirs of our father, the most high God. He created this land for us to live on and in because he loves us and wanted us to have it and have dominion over it. He told me on January 31 that he gave me Mobile, AL. With this said, know that my father has only shown me the pieces that he wants me to see right now. If I give you too much right now, you will not carry out all that I have for you to do, says the father. So, I still don't know everything that I am to do but in time I will and this land will be mine and that of my brothers and sisters as rightful heirs.

So, again, I ask, who's land is this? It is our land and we have to claim it! (See Deut. 4:36 - 40) When someone tries to make you compensate them for something that is already yours and has been taken from you, you laugh in their face, right? Well, this land was stolen from us and we know that it is ours because we are heirs of Yahweh. So, we have to laugh in their face and say that we are the rightful owners and are taking back what is rightfully ours. Just for clarification, this does not mean that you are to go out and act worldly complaining and "raising hell". This will only add to the confusion that exists in this world today. We are to "shake things up" and start making Babylon think about what she has done to the rightful heirs and prepare for what's coming. He says, I am putting people in place right now to make this happen. You may not know who they are but rest assured they are working for me. Things are changing...we will no longer sit down and accept things as they were. This is a new age...the time has prepared for revelations and mysteries unfolding. I am in charge and always have been. LOOK OUT!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Positioning is being put into a place where you will be the most useful for the intended outcome. We are all being positioned by our father (God) to accomplish his intended outcome. God never fails so your position is very important to him. My position is a watchman as described in Ezekiel 33:7-9 so I am here to give word to you by way of the father. I will only give word to you as directed by my father but as always it is up to you if you want to partake in the word and avoid iniquity. Sometimes this word may be hard to deliver to you because I love you but withholding our fathers word from you will not do either of us any good.

Think about when you were kids growing up and your father told you to tell your brother/sister to do something. If you did not tell them what your father said, you both got in trouble or sometimes it was just you who were punished. If you did tell them and they did not listen, you were spared and your sibling was not. On the other hand, if you told them and they did according to the word you spoke to them from your father, it was good for both of you and sometimes resulted in a reward. This is how I am to operate on this earth and sometimes I may give you a word in writing, by pointing you in the right direction, or by speaking to you and I may not even know you. We are all brothers and sisters on the earth, heir of our father, Yahweh. I would listen to the words that I speak to you because I come to you with words from the father and he knows all.

Our father loves us all and wants all of us there with him in heaven when it is our time. He says that he wants to dwell with us in heaven regardless of our iniquities and shortcomings. Seek him and you will find him. Love him as he already loves you more than you will ever know. And for those of us he has given orders to to carry out, do what you are told or suffer the consequences. I was disobedient the other day as I did something that he told me not to do and boy did I pay for it as he had warned me I would. So, as I am warning you today, do not be disobedient as it will only cause you pain and suffering and can even lead to death. Yes, I said to death but if I didn't tell you this that would be disobedient as he just told me to tell you that.

Find out what your position what you are called to do...and live out the rest of your life in holy matrimony, bride of the most high.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Come Out Now

Many of you have lived and breathed the world system for years…you have dedicated your life to serving the world and all of her “beauty”. I am not talking about the beauty of the earth that was created by our father; I am talking about all of the idols you have worshipped in this world. They include money, gold, silver, copper, all of the “precious” metals and worldly success, also known as wealth. If earthly wealth is such a magnificent thing, why is it that a lot of the so called wealthy individuals in the world are so miserable? Why is it that they seem to be some of the most unhappy people in the world? It is because this earthly wealth means nothing to our father. This is pseudo wealth. True wealth comes through the riches of our father and by no other means. He is able to do more and give you more than any worldly system ever could.

With all of this explained it is time to come out of this worldly system. Don’t trust what it promises and all of the riches of the world. COME OUT NOW!!! This world isn’t for you and it will fall soon. The events of 2008 were merely a warning, foreshadow of things to come. COME OUT NOW or suffer the consequences of the sins of this world. In Revelation 18:4, it says come out of her and our father has sent me again to warn you to come out of her. She will consume you, she will make you do things for the love of her, she will become what you worship and idolize. COME OUT NOW!!! If you don’t know exactly what to do, our father says come to him and he will guide you. Just make sure you come out of her before it is too late. Read Revelation Chapter 18 and seek understanding from our father. You don’t want to be one of the servants that did not listen and suffer for the sins of the world.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Unfortunately this world is overwhelmed with Fear. Fear of this, Fear of that! Just Fear, Fear, Fear! In a world that fears the unknown, you are destined to be predisposed to failure. Failure, not because you are not capable of doing what needs to be done the right way, failure because you fear the unknown. When you fear the unknown you have already failed because that fear has caused you to react in ways that you wouldn’t have had you not been in fear. Why fear says the father? Why be afraid of something that you haven’t seen before? It could be the most beautiful thing in the world and because you have feared it you have just changed your view of what you are about to see. It is like seeing this new thing through clouded glasses and not being able to experience the true beauty of it because your heart has feared it.

People have feared the unknown since the beginning of time and it continues today. Instead of living peacefully together, people have feared what may happen if they opened their heart to their neighbor. They have feared trusting their neighbor and this has made the world a sinful place. There is no fear like the fear of the lord and that is the only fear that one should have. Despite what the world has done and is, you have to continue to love your neighbor and trust God, our father, no matter what. So, get rid of your fear, trust our father, and live a Holy life, you won’t regret it.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Building Up

Building Up is becoming better. When we are being built up or building ourselves up we are changing/growing, becoming better. There will be trials and tribulations and sometimes you will have to turn the other cheek, or look the other way. There will be times when you are not able to do what you used to do because you are being built up. Building up is a good thing, it changes you, it requires you to become someone new. So, don't give up. It is definitely worth it.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Did you know???

I bet many of you did not know that Muhammad (of Islam) was sent here to be a prophet for our father in a land that had not experienced the light of Jesus Christ. He had a few things right in what he said. There is only one God and we should live our lives according to Godly principles but when he threw in some of his own beliefs, things that were not of the father, he did wrong. He created another Religion (the Islamic religion) that in itself is wrong because it is not based totally on our fathers word.

A lot of Muslims say that we all serve the same God but if that is true, why not call him God, Father? Why don't we all just believe his word as he has it written? Yes, it has been translated and if you want the original teachings of our father, read each book, chapter, verse in the language that it was written. I will tell you this, the bible was meant to be read by each person and understood by each person in the way our father intended it. Our father has a meaning in each word in the bible for each person. This does not mean, take what is in the bible and based on your understanding of it, start a new religion. It also does not mean that you can go out and commit a crime and say that is what you got from the bible. This has been done already and is SO WRONG! Our father gave us commandments and if you "Love thy neighbor as thyself", there is no way you can do some things that some have done and say it is based on your understanding of God's word. THIS IS A SIN AND YOU WILL HAVE TO REPENT AND ANSWER GOD (OUR FATHER) FOR YOUR SINS!!! So, I say again, no one can tell you what the a bible scripture/verse means to you, unless directed by the father. If you want clarity, go to our father and he will lead you in the direction he wants you to go.

So, let's go back to the beginning, Muhammad was meant to be a prophet on this earth for our father but his actions lead him astray and against God's word. On top of that he has lead many away from the father by his teachings and am thus in the same boat as Satan. If you are not for our father, you are against him. How many of you are not for our father? How many of you are out there doing your own thing but say I am not hurting anybody but people are following and believing what you do? I say the same thing to you, if you are not for our father, you are against him. Take a look at your life. Are your actions God-like? Is everything you do for the glory of our father? If not, you are going down the wrong path and need to make a change and fast. So, get back on track, he forgives, he understands that you have made mistakes but loves you enough to say that you are his child and he wants you back in his will. God says "I will never forsake you", "I will always Love You", "come to me now and repent of your sins", "I will forgive you" and finally "I am your FATHER".

We Love You because you are family now and forever.

Friday, March 2, 2012

How Powerful is Our Father?

This question really doesn't need to be asked but for some people, they have a hard time trusting and believing that our father (God) can do all things. Trust not in the riches of this world and the objects that you possess. For they will all come to an abrupt end and will be worthless. Trust ME says the Father...believe in ME...rely on ME and everything will be as it ought to be. DO NOT, I say again, do not put your trust in MAN...especially the Babylonian kings and queens for they will all end up worshiping ME (see Revelation Ch. 18). But then it will be too late!!! For I have come, I have sent apostles, prophets, your brothers and sisters, but did you listen to what they prophesied to you??? If you had listened the question above would not be a question at all just a joke to all who heard it. If you don't understand, take some time and think about it...what kind of question is How powerful is our father? and after you see how ridiculous that is, then laugh because it is something that should be laughed at.

Again, Ramsey only comes to you with what I tell him to write...if you know ME, ask ME about what he writes and I will tell you what it all means. He is a messenger but the message must be received!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Religion and Church

Too many churches/religions are worried about what the world will think. Think about that. If you are truly seeking to perform the works ordained to you by God, you would not care about what the world thinks of you. Religion should be thrown out of the window because it is the very thing that keeps brothers and sisters of the father separated. Satan wants it that way and we allow it way too much. We all have things that we are called to do and to perform these duties/tasks, we must often times go against the things that others will look at as "crazy". Think about Abraham when he was told to go up onto the mountain and bring his son as a sacrifice offering to our father. Building a sense of trust with the father is like that, at times doing the unthinkable and thus being blessed for your obedience. Our father loves us and will not do anything to us that will harm us or our children in anyway (as with Abraham and his son) but we must learn to revere him and him alone and to despise anything that is not like him.

So, again, think about what the world is having you do...churches, religion, all dependent on things not of the father. It must change, it has to change, it will change if you want to realize the riches our father has for us. If this hurts you it is only because you are doing wrong. To the one that is obedient and trusting God (our father) for their needs, you understand and will be rewarded for it.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Understanding is Not a Prerequisite of Obedience

This message is for all of you who believe you have to understand in order to be obedient to the word (instruction) you are given. This instruction can come from any source (God on down to your spouse) and you do not need to understand to be obedient to what you are being told. Questioning can get you answers but even if you don't get the answers that you expect or want you still MUST be obedient to what you have been told (called) to do. Fear Not what others may think of you or what they may say. JUST MAKE SURE YOU ARE OBEDIENT!!!


Prayer is communication. When we pray, we ask God(our father) to listen to us and respond to our requests (if there are any). What needs to happen is that when we pray, we need to be just communicating with our father and are listening to what he has to say. Too many times we come to our father when there are turbulent times in need of his intercession. If we remain continually in prayer, when turbulent times arise, we can tell Satan to be gone and that is just the end of it. We can know what our father says about any situation because he is always with us and always speaking to us. So, let's not just pray when we need something, let's pray and stay in constant communication with our father so he knows we love him as much as he loves us. Isn't this what you would do with your earthly father? Why would your heavenly father be any different?

My heavenly father speaks to me all of the time and I Love it! He explains things to me before I can even get the question out of my mouth because he knows my thoughts. He provides me with information of things to come so I am prepared for what is about to happen. He also coaches me on which ways to take, so I continually walk in his light. He Loves me that much so the least I can do is stay in constant communication with him through prayer.

There is no language that he does not understand so let's pray and communicate with our father everyday. Let's also LISTEN to what he has to say. It is DEFINITELY worth it.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Beginning

This is my initial post. I will always post as instructed by my father (God). I will post words given to me by my father that will impact the lives of someone somewhere every time I post. Please continue to visit this blog if you would like to know what our father is saying. He never disappoints! There may come a time that you will not like what is said but I will only speak truth and sometimes that hurts. I will likely be brief in my posts but if our father has more to say, some posts may be lengthy. I warn you not to stop reading in the middle of the post or turn away because of the length. That post is for you!!! My father is saying that is all for today. We will be back soon!